(Organica) Digital Garden at Spazio Gerra

The germination as the fulfillment of a physiological destiny, this is an organic transmutation. Spazio Gerra’s Organica (part of the Digital Garden exhibition) is a study that explores the changing transaction of a plant as an evolutionary trend to perfection. Using computer graphic medium, Cristian declined his feeling on textile prints, video art and illustration sketches blending bold perfection rapresentation, grotesque, kitsch in form of Nature.

The video art project narrates five different life cycles that proceed according to a scheme of a plant organism development. The anthropomorphic figures grows following the rhythms of the scientific natural laws, in the eyes of the observer who is passive spectator of a biological transformation. The time is again, for the artist, an indispensable component of the game of creation. It’s a mix of light and dark, cute and tragic.

Il mito di Leda, chinese ink + digital, 2013.

Il mito di Leda, chinese ink + digital, 2013.

We have to fear technological development? Digital Garden, the collective exhibition held by Spazio Gerra (Reggio Emilia) tries to find a way to discuss this question. In this context, the work of Cristian Grossi is a true example of New Liberty, with citations of Klimt and Beardsley, the corrupted innocence of Henry Darger and some stylistically privileged eastern references.

Screen printing and video art will tell the observer the relationship between digital and nature as evolutionary trend to perfection. Computer graphic is mixed with natural ink on paper. Cristian expresses his concept of Digital Garden within a path dedicated to plants, technology and sexuality.

Cristian Grossi contemporary artist. New Liberty: belle epoque

Bianca prende il vento 3th version. Chinese ink + digital, video art project third edition. 2013.

Graphic works contamination with nature pattern is the basis of the gestaltic research of Cristian Grossi – always looking for new big bang cosmogony and primeval – held at the exhibition of contemporary art Digital Garden: plants, technology, sustainability organized from November 9 2013 (18 hours, paint maiden) January 26, 2014 in Reggio Emilia, inside Spazio Gerra. There are many influences in the field of color research, gestalt, and research of textures, including citations Beardsley, Galileo Chini, Klimt: “pollen breath me again.” Photos by Fabio Donato, Maurizio Mantovi.


Il mito di Leda, chinese ink + digital, 2013.

Cantami della sera odorosa in cui udisti / levarsi dalla barca dorata / il riso di Antinoo e per placare la tua sete lambisti / le acque e con desiderio guardasti / il corpo perfetto del giovane dalle labbra di melograno, chinese ink + digital, 2013.
